Kinda-Kimilili partnerskap
Här kan du läsa om Kinda kommuns samarbete med Kimilili kommun i Kenya. Samarbetet började 2006. Den här bloggen startade vi i samband med ett besök i Kimilili januari 2011. Här kan du fortlöpande följa det internationella utbytet.
lördag 12 september 2015
onsdag 2 september 2015
Några bilder från besöket i Kimilili september 2014
Detta är en del av partnerskapet Kinda-Kimilili. Därmed handlar det om utbyte av kunskap och erfarenheter grundade på demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Projektet Unga framåt har som målsättning att det ska skapas ett ungdomens hus i Kimilili med ungdomshuset Kåken i Kinda som förebild. Det har startat bra genom att ett övergivet hus i Kimilili centrum (tidigare hindutempel) erbjudits ungdomar att skapa ett eget ungdomshus. Ungdomar ska själva få reparera och måla som de beslutar om och användas utifrån deras önskemål och behov. Investeringar i byggnader mm finasieras med lokala pengar och externa sponsorer.
Följ utvecklingen på och (uppdateras närmaste dagarna)
Följ utvecklingen på och (uppdateras närmaste dagarna)
The Bungoma County government is holding talks with the kinda municipality from Sweden that has expressed interest in funding a recreational center for the youths...
Swedish government to fund a recreational center in Kimilili
The Bungoma County government is holding talks with the kinda municipality from Sweden that has expressed interest in funding a recreational center for the youths in Kimilili.
Bungoma County deputy Governor Hillary Chongwony (right) says having been part of the delegation from the county that visited Sweden the problems of drug abuse and alcoholism are a danger to many youths in both countries hence their efforts to set up the center early.
Speaking after a meeting with representatives from Sweden in Kimilili the deputy governor said the facility will be a supplement project to the youths in the county after providing them with various funds to start up development projects.
“We know youths have talents and they need to be nurtured and together with our friends from Sweden we are going to make sure that their dreams come true,” he said.
However Chongwony asserted that the project is meant to benefit youths of Bungoma County at large and called upon the youths to desist from engaging in drug abuse and make use of the facility.
On his part Kimilili youth leaders Michael Makokha called upon the youth to embrace and support the project fully saying it will provide employment opportunity to many as well as help nurture their talents in games and acting.
However he urged the Bungoma County government to consider youths in other job opportunities saying many of them have undergone training in different coursework but some requirements of more than five years of experience in a profession before being employed is a disillusion to many of them.
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torsdag 9 oktober 2014
tisdag 20 maj 2014
onsdag 5 mars 2014
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